Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Munin Node for Windows v1.6.1 Beta release

munin-node-win32 has come back from the dead and now is hosted on Google Code instead of
Thanks to agroszer for keeping the project alive and allowing me to join back into the project.

Our first Beta release uses a new NSIS based-installer and has a number of fixes and patches included.
munin-node-win32- (158KB)

  • v1.6.1.0 (Beta) 2/2/2011
    • Switched to NSIS Installer
    • Removed Windows Firewall setup code from munin-node.exe, now done in the NSIS Installer (r43)
    • Statically linked MS Visual C++ libraries (MS Visual C++ Runtime no longer required)
    • Plugin Changes
      • Added DERIVE Performance Counters support, patch by josh (Google Code  Issue 4 , r27, r32)
      • Updated Performance Counter plugin to include error codes in error messages (r42)
  • v1.6
    • Plugin Changes
    • Corrected Configuration in Memory Plugin

These changes are also noted on this wiki page, ChangeLog


  1. This is a great application that will hopefully unify heterogeneous monitoring in our environment :)

    The only thing missing seems to be the SMART plugin. Any suggestions on how to go about monitoring SMART with munin-node-win32?

  2. Thank you very much maintaining munin-node-win32. This tool is very useful.

  3. Hi,
    we are receiving timeouts and the Windows service stops reporting for Python external plugins. Are there maybe any enhancements planned, maybe a beta 2?

  4. I know this is an old thread, but I am trying to track down a non-installer version of munin-node-win32 and I need to manually setup all required configuration. Is that possible?

  5. PLS HELP!! i need mkv shell extension 64bit too!!!! can make it?
    i have 3000+ files mkv & mka have include thumb image.....
    but win7 64bit can't use mkv shell extension 32bit
